Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When is the end of the world?

We will be moving to video blogging in the near future, but I wanted to move forward and post previous text blogs to this page now for your enjoyment and edification:

REPOST FROM July 16, 2008

Ok, I saw a movie last night- The End of the Harvest... I've added a youtube clip below of the main points that stuck out to me and I'll summarize and add in a few thoughts (scripture references are in the clip):

We all know that there is no set, known to us, hour and day for when the Rapture happens (when God calls Christians to meet Him in the air prior to the Great Tribulation period in the end times) or for the Glorious Reappearing (the Second Coming of Christ). But the bible says we can know the seasons and signs of His coming. The theories here are fascinating to ponder....

The idea is that there are what Michael Rood calls "shadow pictures" in the Bible, events that actually happen that serve for a bigger picture in prophesy of things God wants us to know. For instance, the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac.... it's a shadow picture of Christ coming to sacrafice Himself for the sins of the world.

Now, we also know through the scriptures that God often measures time in 7s.
  • 7 days to create the earth resting on the 7th day

  • Hebrews are commanded to work the week and then rest on the 7th day

  • the seventh week after Passover is a large feast and rest

  • the 7th month was a month of 3 major feasts and resting for the Jews

  • every 7 years was a year of rest of the land

  • every 49 years (7 x 7) was the year of Jubilee (a time of rest for the land and liberty for the people).

  • Using the idea of shadow pictures, the movie pointed out that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. This could be a shadow picture of our time here on earth. The bible says that to God each day is as 1000 years... so does that mean that we will have 6000 years on this earth and then the 7th 1000 year period would be His millenial reign.

    Also in the Bible, Christ also took a selected few disciples with Him after 6 days and witnessed His transfiguration...a preview of His Glorious Reappearing. Is this another shadow picture?

    Jesus waited 2 days before going to Lazarus to raise him from the dead. Could this be another shadow picture? Perhaps a foreshadowing of how God was going to change His focus from His chosen people, the Jews, to the rest of the world for 2 days, or 2000 years... which He did in the church age.

    When the Jews rejected Christ, God scattered them across the world, but He said he would bring them back in 2 days... so that could be 2000 years or the Church age. Israel is now coming back together before our eyes. In 1948 , Israel became a recognized nation again and now Jews from all over the world are going back to their homeland.

    - Mankind has figured 4000 years from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ...that's 4 days.

    So 4 days before Christ birth + 2 days of the Church age= 6 days or 6000 years. When means that the year 2000 could be when the end time is coming. But that's passed right?

    - We also think Jesus was 33 when He ascended, which could mean it will be the year 2033 when He returns... just around the corner.

    -Then there is also the fact that the original Hebrew calendar, that was used in Biblical times, is not the calendar that we use anymore. We don't even count the day the same as the Jewish people. What impact does that have? What year is it to God right now? What month? What day? No wonder we don't have a set time.

    However, one thing is for sure.. the time is close at hand, look around... watch the clip below:

    (c) 2009 Reformation Productions

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